OPI Calendar: January

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful celebration. I have a few things I’m hoping to do this coming year, but first! Something new to introduce. I received an OPI calendar from work this year. I received one last year, but decided to do something with it this year. Each month depicts a color scheme using three or four OPI polishes, and I’ve decided to do a manicure each month with the colors they have chosen. For January, they’ve chosen this color scheme.

January CalendarSunI decided on a blue to silver gradient on my middle fingers, then fireworks on my pinkie and thumb. I absolutely adore this manicure. This was the second design I tried with the colors — the first one absolutely did not work out — and I’m so happy I tried again.

CloseupIt was the perfect New Year’s manicure for me this year, and I thought it did the colors well. I’m really excited to see what I can come up with for the rest of the year.
