A Year’s Difference

Happy Halloween! I decided to take a break from the e.l.f. designs I was doing to redo one of my early nail designs. I got serious about nail art a little over a year ago, and one of my favorites from the time was my Halloween manicure. So, I’ve decided to do it again this year and show the difference!

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e.l.f.’s Ursula

Happy Monday! Have a good weekend? I’ve continued on with e.l.f.’s collection to the next female villain, Ursula! Honestly, the color choices really confused me with this one. It took a couple different tries to figure out a design that worked, and I’m still not a fan of the one I ended up with.

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e.l.f.’s Cruella de Vil

Hi guys! I hope this finds you well. It’s a busy week for me, but I made sure to get these nails done and uploaded early so I could share. Last week, a friend sent me pictures of an e.l.f. nail polish set at Walgreens. It holds 12 polishes; four sets of three for four female Disney villains. The first one I chose was Cruella de Vil.


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Frankenstein’s Monster Stitches

Happy Columbus Day! Today, even more places are closed. Anywho, new look! New name! Isn’t it great? Please, tell me what you think. I’ve been working on a new name, banner, look, and whatnot for a while now and I’m so excited to officially have it up! I’m also working on having different social medias to branch out on to. So far, I’ve got my Pinterest, and hopefully more will follow.

After the last Halloween nails, I had to try something different with new Juleps. To be honest, this has been one of my favorite manicures to date. Click to read more!

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It’s Almost Halloween!

Oh my gosh, two this week! What’s going on? Well, big things. Big things are about to happen. Okay, maybe not massive, huge things, but I’m going to give this blog a face lift and change some things (like the name!). I’ve gotten pretty good at consistently posting once a week, and I’ve actually had designs sitting in line to be posted. So, we’re going to see how posting twice a week works. I’m only worried about not doing my nails enough, but then I think: A reason to paint my nails more? Sounds great to me!

Anyway, Halloween! I usually don’t do more than one holiday design, but with a blog, why not? I had a bunch of fun doing this one and was definitely inspired by cutepolish’s video. I had some new polishes (hello, Julep’s October box!) and an overabundance of YouTube videos, so why not try something?

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